Sunday, January 22, 2006

Rediscovering a Lost Art

Now that I am done with school and into the working world (sort of), I have rediscovered a pastime that was such a big part of my life before I went to college: pleasure reading. Since school finished a little over a month ago I've listened to a book on cd and read almost two books. I think that's more than I've read for fun since college started. I just can't seem to get enough of all the stories, facts, new vocabulary, and diverse characters that I missed for so long while I was in college.

Maybe college is just a trumped up way to weed out those who really enjoy reading and those who don't. If you can make it through the gauntlet of four years (or five if you go to Lincoln) and still have an appreciation for reading, then somehow you've passed the test. For those who don't pass the test, life is no different except all of their stories come from movies and tv shows. For those who do make it through the gauntlet, there is a life full of the sweet nectar and ambrosia of books. I think I've finally passed the gauntlet. Next time you see me look for the little blue ribbon on my lapel that says "I survived college and I still love to read."


Adam said...

I didn't like reading going into college and I don't like reading going out of college. I still see it as a requirement, I do enjoy when I learn something new but reading "for fun" probably will never happen

Tyler said...

...that is until you have to read books with the staff, read a book for the class you are teaching, read a book for the class you are taking, and reading the book someone got you as a gift and asks you if you've read it every time they see you.

TWH said...

Pay no attention to the two previous comments. Those are two people who have never loved to read. I understand exactly what you're talking about. MKH also loves to read.

Lucas said...

I devour fiction books, but alot of the time I struggle through non-fiction. I like a good story.

I'm reading the Ultimate Hitchikers's Guide To The Galaxy. It is the weirdest book I've ever read. I can't put it down.

Melissa said...

I'd like that blue ribbon as well... I hated reading in high school and college, and now I'm hooked on Harry, among others.

But I must admit, I was peer-pressured into reading... I had absolutely no intention of doing it for fun ever again until I made friends (and husbands) with people who are always saying "I'm reading this great book..." And who wants to be the loser/non-reader in that room????? NOT ME!!! What can I say... I conform