Saturday, April 25, 2009

New direction

Once again, I have revamped my blog. I know, it seems like I can never decide what I want to do with this stupid thing, but I had a moment of (momentary?) inspiration. Obviously, the whole "constancy" thing wasn't working out for me. I suppose when I mandate myself to a certain habit, it only breeds failure and disappointment. My most recent post, however, reminded me of how much of a nerd I really am and how amusing a blog about my nerd-dom and other's nerd-dom might potentially be. I then had to decide on a suitably nerdy title for the blog. As you might have guessed, it didn't take much nerd power to come up with a good one. What better place for me to turn than to the lyric language of Latin. Some of you may be familiar with the phrase "fortune favors the bold," which is rendered in Latin as "Fortes iuvat fortuna." So, for a blog about nerds and nerdiness all I had to do was subtract "the bold" and add my new coinage for "the nerds." Thus, my new title.

I will be making no promises about the consistency or regularity of this site. Apparently, that doesn't work for me. I will promise some amusing (or occasionally not-so-amusing) posts about my own nerd-dom and greater nerd-dom in general. That's the best I can do.

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