Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Friends aren't friends forever

This past saturday my wife and I (I could say Melissa, but I still like the idea of saying "wife") went to my parents house in Wisconsin so we could go to an ice cream reception at my old church for all the people who weren't able to make it down to the wedding or for whoever wanted to come. We were hoping to get a few more gifts and we did, which was nice. A few of some of my closer friends from high school came, and it was really good to see them, but as soon as I started talking to them there was just no more connection. I found myself reverting to those lame questions about school and if they graduated this year. In those conversations I realized just how easy it is to completely lose contact with people who you really spent a lot of time with. There's no way I could really spend an extended amount of time with those guys anymore without it turning completely awkward. On the other hand, there are two guys I went to high school with and several friends from LCC who I can not talk to for a long time and then get back together and it's like no time has been lost. I know that there is a closeness in these relationships that cannot rival some of my high school relationships. However, I know that even those friendships, if not properly curated, can dwindle over time. Now that I am married it's time to find a balance between my wife and those friends who I don't want to lose contact with. Of course, my wife is my first priority, but I know I will still look forward to the occasional guys night (smash bros, nick and luke). And by the way, today is officially one month after our wedding, and I could not be happier.

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