Thursday, March 16, 2006

No more baby steps

Well, Melissa and I have come to an important juncture in our lives. We are taking a huge big-person step, and that step involves moving halfway across the country. In just a few short months we will be packing up our stuff here in good old Naperville and heading down south to unpack our stuff in the lovely state of North Carolina. You ask why? Well, I was accepted to the post-baccalaureate program in Classical Studies at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. All of those big words basically mean I will be spending a year reading and studying Greek and Latin so I can hone my skills in order to have the best possible chance of getting into the best possible grad schools in the country. As you can tell, this is a rather big life change for both of us since neither of us really have any close family or friends who live in the Chapel Hill area. The move of course brings mixed emotions. I am incredibly excited to finally take the next step towards doing what I have wanted and dreamed of for many years, and also to experience someplace new. At the same time I am a little scared, nervous, and sad to be leaving close friends and family and plopping ourselves down in a completely unfamiliar place. We'll be able to get a little taste of our new home at the end of this month because we are traveling down there to scope out apartments, jobs, etc. It really is quite an exciting time for us and despite the difficult emotions that come with such a change, I am sure we will come away from our time in the deep south with a new maturity. For now, we best be partying it up these last three months or so that we are around!


Mikey said...

I am so happy and excited for you guys!

Adam said...

I am totally coming up soon so we can party

Tyler said...

oh man, and i just got here. :(

seriously dude, be careful in NC, they are the definition of conservative/fundamental.

let's do lunch sometime soon.

Brad and Lindy said...

Ah, Chapel Hill was in the news today. Congrats Jason!

Lucas said...

ROAD TRIP to Chapel Hill!!