Sunday, April 02, 2006

Airports are a funny sort of place

Just yesterday Melissa and I returned from a successful scouting trip to the wonderful southern state of North Carolina, where we will be moving on July 1, just a few short months away. We found a place to live that is very convenient for my school and for Melissa's prospective new job. But that is neither here nor there. The most interesting part of the trip was the airport experience. For those of you who have flown several times before, you will know exactly what I'm talking about. We left North Carolina at a balmy 80 degrees, which meant that I was wearing shorts. I was aware that the temps in Chicago would be considerably less(like 45 degrees), but I just didn't feel like changing into pants at the airport. I figured I could brave the weather for the little amount of time I would be outside. My clothing decision lead me to a striking realization as we were sitting in Midway waiting for our ride home (that itself is a long story which I would love to divulge in more personal company, especially if that personal company involves friends of a certain Lucas Motley). My realization was that airports are the only places on the planet where you can see every season of clothing. I was obviously inappropriately dressed for the Chicago weather but very appropriately dressed for the North Carolina weather. Just across the baggage claim I could see people in heavier winter coats, obviously dressed for an even colder climate than Chicago. On the other hand, in warmer southern states the airports are filled with people dressed in their coats and long pants, which is completely unnecessary for the southern climate. In that moment, I gained a new appreciation for the uniqueness of an airport. Nowhere else can you see a person in shorts and a tank top standing next to someone with boots, a coat, and a stocking cap on. So when you stop to think about it, an airport really is a funny sort of place.


Matt said...

Airports are also a great place to see awesome hair. On our way back from Mexico Week of E there was a lady with the hugest femullet I have ever seen. I mean this thing went past her waist.

Adam said...

Working at the airport opens your eyes as well. It is funny to see famous people and nobody even notices them. I sometimes just felt like saying "LOOK it is SO AND SO!!!"

Noobs in airports was the best. Just watching them stand there in utter confusion was a good laugh. Then they ask questions that don't make any sense. Then it is like talking to a little kid.

: Here let me see your ticket... you see that letter A on the wall with an arrow... yeah that one just follow the letter A and where the arrows are pointing. Then you will see numbers they are in order so just look for A23... your welcome

Lucas said...

Okay, let's just put it out there. I forgot to pick up Jason at the airport. I thought they got in Sunday night. Jason even called me at 4:30 telling me his flight number, and in my head I'm saying to myself... "what is his deal? He is panicing. I'm not suppose to pick them up till tomorrow." Then I got the phone call, "Oh, we are here at baggage claim 3."

I am the worst ever at airports. Worst ever.

TWH said...

Oh, I don't think you are so bad at airports Lucas. As long as you have your DAD drive with you. Remember when you were in your internship?

Lucas said...

thank you for reminding me... I still have that Harvard Sweat shirt you brought me. It's my favorite that I own.