Friday, April 21, 2006

What are you going to do with that?

Have you ever thought about how a seemingly everday, insignificant question can define your life's purpose? I was contemplating this today on the way back from getting my hair cut. For me, that question is "what are you going to do with that?" What does that have to do with anything, you may ask. Well, I can guarantee you that everytime I explain what I am studying in school, the immediate response is that question. I have become so accustomed to hearing that question, that I immediately respond with my stock response: "teach." Then usually some sort of joke involving "it's all Greek to me" will surface in the conversation. Am I the only one with a purpose defined by a simple question? It's funny how I can find so much purpose in what I enjoy studying, but most other people do not understand it. It's such a simple question that I often take for granted, yet it contains the key to my purpose in life. However, I know that I can't be the only one who has experienced this sort of repetitive question in their lives. So, what's your question?


Matt said...

My question is,"So, what do you do all week?" Honestly, it's kind of insulting and frankly shows a lack of respect for ministers that a lot of people have, but oh well.

TWH said...

So what?

It's so bad that while in school your professors train you to ask that question after spending many hours on sermons, lessons and anything you prepare.

That's alright.

What do firemen do all day?
What do policemen do all day?
What does the president do all day?
What do race car drivers do all day?
What do radio or TV personalities do all day?

Matt said...

good point

Brad and Lindy said...

I have two questions. One is in regard to my current, no-so-Lindy-type, job. "So, what exactly do you do?"

The answer is "I don't know. It really changes everyday."

Which translates into, "I don't know how to explain it to you."

Which is usually followed with, "So when will you be going back to school?"

"I don't know. Do I really have to go back to school?"

And it loops into more questions. And more confusion. And more excuses. And it usually ends with me completely discontent with where I am and what I am doing. /Sigh/

Back to work.

Adam said...

my question is, "so who's going to be there?"

Or "So whats next"