This is very unusual for me to blog this often, but I had an experience yesterday that was definitely blogworthy. I sat down to eat with a friend of mine who is not a real close friend but I've hung out with him some, and after I got my food, he proceeded to vent about how he wasn't motivated anymore because he has no social life and no good friends. I didn't really know what to say or how to react. I tried gently prying further to discover what was causing these emotions, and that really didn't seem to lead anywhere.
In order to understand this guy, you have to realize that he's the type of person who will just stare blankly at you during a conversation if it's not about something he's interested in talking about. His main topics of conversation are theological arguments and paintballing and once he gets going on these topics he won't let up.
So anyway, I'm trying to talk to him about this, but it just isn't going anywhere. He just keeps looking at me, and I can tell that he is depressed. Finally, I got to the point where I felt like I was just preaching to him and not doing any good. Finally, I told him I would pray for him, but I don't know if that did any good either because most of the time when people say that they never actually do what they say. Maybe my just being there to listen to him get it off of his chest was helpful. I don't know....I don't like these situations. I don't think I could ever be a counselor.
Leda and the Swan: Seduction or Rape?
11 hours ago