Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Wicked curse

This weekend Melissa and I went to see the Broadway musical "Wicked" downtown Chicago. The show was incredible and probably one of the best musicals I have ever seen. The music was fantastic, as was the story and the acting. Ana Gasteyer of SNL fame played the Wicked Witch of the West, but the rest of the cast was relatively unknown. While we were glorying in the post-show exuberance, we were reminded of a nasty curse that has plagued us since freshman year of college. Those who have been to LCC know exactly what I'm talking about when I say that the IDS 101 curse hit us like a wave. For those of you who never attended LCC, the IDS 101 curse basically consists of the worldview analysis of all popular culture mainly manifested in books, movies, plays, etc. Despite my negative portrayal of this curse, I do feel there are times when it becomes very helpful. For example, "Wicked" was a purely postmodern play in that it devoted an entire song to moral relativity in addition to the plot being an instance of moral relativity in itself. I appreciate my "worldview eyes" when it comes to discerning how to accept and process the material presented. Before I go much further however, I want to clarify that I don't use my "worldview eyes" to condemn a piece of art that might portray something contrary to what I believe. I still enjoy many films, plays, etc. despite not agreeing with everything said or displayed. That said, I still was able to enjoy "Wicked" for its artistic value and its incredibly unique and entertaining storyline, and then constructively evaluate it without ruining the entire musical. (caution: spoilers ahead)So really, the "wicked" curse of IDS 101 isn't so wicked at all....hmmm, that sounds just a little bit familiar to the Wicked Witch of the West. Maybe it is all relative....

1 comment:

Tyler said...

i use my "worldview eyes" to check out babes...hehe.